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Oil in Uganda Newsletter- Issue 11- EITI is a viable option for Uganda


This issue focuses on oil transparency and makes a case for the Uganda government to consider signing up to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a global transparency and accountability mechanism where oil and mining companies publish what they have paid to governments and governments in turn disclose what they have received from the companies. The Uganda government has over time expressed reservations about joining the initiative. But if the government is banking on oil revenues to drive its ambitious ‘middle income status’ project, then misuse of oil money should be the one risk they must mitigate.  President Museveni has declared a war on corruption in his new political term and he should let Ugandans help him fight that war. They are, after all, the victims of a corrupt system and therefore too willing to help. Like any war, the fighters need adequate ammunition which in this case is reliable and current information. This information can only be available if the government commits to full disclosure by joining EITI today.