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Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil; Part III: Respect and Remedy: Implementing corporate responsibility under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights

The following is the third in a series of four reports exploring business and human rights issues in Uganda’s oil sector. This series is a collaboration between IPIS vzw and ActionAid Uganda.The 2011


The ActionAid Weekly- The AAU star performers for the past six months!

[ibimage==34763==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]In this edition, we bring to you the star performers in ActionAid for the past 6 months.  Your guess may be correct or wrong on who these


The ActionAid Weekly- Am your ally-Speaker of Parliament Assures Cooperatives

[ibimage==34653==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]In this edition of the Weekly, we bring to you highlights from last Week’s Women’s Forum. The ladies laughed, danced, played and exchanged


The ActionAid Weekly- Social Movements and Change;The Land Platform

In this edition of the Weekly, a female ActionAid staff pours out her heart about the dilemmas, challenges and conflicting royalties of  being a career woman, mother, wife and student. She tales a


The ActionAid Weekly-Galagala Primary school to become Govt aided

In this edition of the Weekly, read about the Greek Volunteers that came in Uganda, not for a holiday but to construct an administration block for Galagala Primary school. The act prompted a dicision


The ActionAid Weekly-Joy, Emotions and excitement-Day of the African Child commemoration in words and pictures

[ibimage==34452==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]ActionAid commemorated the Day of the African Child in Kapchorwa, presided over by the Eoropean Union Head of Mission in Uganda. We


Advancing Rights, Improving Lives! The 2015 ActionAid Uganda Annual Report

[ibimage==34493==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]At the beginning of 2015, we made three institutional promises, in addition to our unwavering commitments to standing by and delivering


The ActionAid Weekly-Day of the African Child

[ibimage==34448==image_content_fullwidth==none==self==null==]This week, Africa celebrates the Day of the Africa Child for the 25th time. Unfortunately, the children in Africa and Uganda continue to


The ActionAid weekly-#QualityNorthUg– Walking quality service Delivery to northern Uganda

Yesterday evening, i learnt with excitement that our Country Director, Arthur Larok was among the two CSO leaders that were selected to represent the NGOs in the country on the National Bureau for


Oil in Uganda Newsletter- Issue 11- EITI is a viable option for Uganda

This issue focuses on oil transparency and makes a case for the Uganda government to consider signing up to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a global transparency and