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Five out of ten? Assessing progress towards the AU's 10% budget target for agriculture

CAADP’s vision is bold, necessary and achievable. In the context of the food and financial crises, it isalso incredibly urgent. ActionAid hopes that this report will assist governments, legislators


Making the grade: A model national policy for the prevention, management and elimination of violence against girls in schoo

This model policy is aimed at prevention, management and – in the long term – elimination of violence against girls in schools. This will help ensure girls’ access to school, as well as their


Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools - a groundbreaking project

This leaflet offers an introduction to ActionAid's Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools project, mid-way through its five year implementation.  The project is operational in 9 countries across


ActionAid’s Global HR Standards

This is ActionAid’s core HR Standards Framework. The standards are treated as core non-negotiable standards that every part of the organisation must meet, subject to prevailing employment legislation.


TEGINT Methodology toolkit: Working with Boys

The activities in this secion for use with boys mirror those of girls.  Boys will be encouraged to undertake similar analysis, both in classroom sessions and within the community.  In particular, the


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with the Local Community

In this booklet a few activities have been pickedout for work with the local community.  The majority of activities in the parents, SMC and PTA booklet would also be useful when working with the local


TEGINT Methodology Toolkit: Contents and Introduction

This secition must be used in conjuction with the six TEGINT toolkits.


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with Teachers

This booklet contains activities for use with teachers working with Girls' Clubs in schools as well as those in teacher training.  In order for TEGINT and Girls' Clubs to work, support from teachers