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Families are surviving on one meal a day in drought-hit Zambia

Families in Sesheke, in Zambia’s western province, are facing severe food shortages due to drought. The area has experienced erratic rain, heat waves and drought affecting about 700 households. High

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190 women on why governments must #RatifyILO190

In June the International Labour Conference adopted the ground-breaking Convention C190 aimed at ending violence and harassment in the world of work. However, there’s still work to do! For the

Protecting the grass under elephants

To mark International Day of Rural Women, Fletcher Simwaka, communications officer at ActionAid Malawi, makes the case for a strong, gender-just binding UN treaty to ensure transnational companies

World Bank and IMF mark 75th anniversary amid rising global hunger, the climate crisis and corporate human rights abuses

 ActionAid's international director of programmes and global engagement reflects on 75 years of the IMF and World Bank, ahead of their annual meetings, which coincide with the Committee on World Food

Climate Justice - photos from around the world

On 20 September 2019 activists from around the world called for climate justice and immediate action on climate change. Here are some of the best photos from the day.

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More than half a million people sign petition to protect Brazil’s Cerrado biome

Environmental defenders and climate activists in Brazil have delivered a petition to protect the Cerrado biome – signed by more than 560,000 people – to their National Congress. ActionAid is one of 50

ActionAid demands #ClimateJusticeNow

ActionAid believes firmly in climate justice. In September 2019 we are mobilising in order to fight for climate justice for all. This page includes the resources and information we are using in

Surviving climate change – Fatou’s story

Fatou is a climate change survivor. This is the story of how Fatou and her community, with support from ActionAid, are becoming more resilient to climate change.

Surviving climate change – Goodness’ story

Goodness Johnny is a climate change survivor. This is the story of how climate change has impacted her community and how they are trying to adapt.

Surviving climate change – Elizabeth Dakurah’s story

Elizabeth Dakurah is a climate change survivor. Read the story of how her farm in Ghana is adapting to a changing climate with support from ActionAid.